Shaolin Gung Fu Videos

Several videos related to Shaolin Temple Secular Disciple's Union

Shifu Shi Yan Ye (Miao Jie) videos

3bit TV advertisment with kung fu performance
Choreography & kung fu performance for Greek TV ad. 3Bit
Xiao Hong Quan at Hereon lighthouse Greece
A special performance literally the "cutting edge" of Xiao Hong Quan by our teacher Shi Miao Jie
Shi Miao Jie presents Shaolin Gong Fu in ALTER TV channel
Shi Miao Jie presents Shaolin Kung Fu to Greek channel ALTER (2008). Performs double bian & shaolin broadsword.
Kung Fu choreography in L.A.P.D. by Shi Miao Jie
Choreographed Kung Fu for TV series L.A.P.D. (MEGA channel), Shi Miao Jie (36th generation combat Shaolin). The series required a scene where one of the actors is rescued by a robber with the help of an imaginary guard Shaolin monk.
Shaolin educational trip to China 2010
Shi Miao Jie leads Greek Shaolin Secular Disciple's Union in China (2010)

Shaolin School in Athens (Dafni) directed by Shi Miao Jie
On Friday 10 May 2013, presence of the master Shì Héng Jūn 释 恒 君 inaugurated the new "Shaolin Temple Secular Disciple's" school in Athens, directed by shifu Shì Miào Jié 释 妙 杰. Here is a small taste of this night.
Shi Miao Jie performs Shaolin Luohan Dui Da 少林罗汉对打 - The fighting method of Shaolin Louhan
Shi Miao Jie presents to Shaolin Luohan Dui Da 少林罗汉对打 - The fighting method of Shaolin Louhan
Choreographed fight scence for theatrical performance of "Iliad by Homer" by Stathis Livathinos
Shi Miao Jie preparing actors for the choreographed fight scenes for theatrical performance of "Iliad by Homer" by Stathis Livathinos. December 2013
Xiao hong Quan
Slide show and Xiao Hong Quan performance from Shi Miao Jie
Shaolin kung fu performance in Greece TV from a little talent (girl 6 years old)
Shi Miao Jie present his little talent (girl 6 years old) in Greek TV Star Channel.
Release Date: 25/4/2014
Chinese new year celebration "Year of the Horse" 2014 in Dafni school
Dafni's school celebration for Chinese New Year of the Horse (2014)